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Prefer task dependencies over subtasks

Planning a project means building a model of its future development, a model that will evolve as the project progresses. If the model is close enough then it should help us manage our efforts; but attempts to make it too close will mean we'll spend too much time on the model itself instead of putting the necessary effort into the real work.

Let's look into one particular aspect of software project management: relation between tasks.

Subtasks & Supertasks

  • DEV-1: Write a post about tasks in software projects
    • DEV-2: Come up with an example of a supertask with subtasks
    • DEV-3: Note about Jira sprints
    • DEV-4: Do something else
    • DEV-5: Publish the post

Supported by many Agile-oriented project management systems like Jira, Asana, Notion, or Linear, this helps decompose complex pieces of work into smaller pieces.

Supertasks & Jira sprints

By the end of the sprint, you might have the following tasks structure:

  • DEV-1: Write a post about tasks in software projects
    • DEV-2: Come up with an example of a supertask with subtasks
    • DEV-3: Note about Jira sprints
    • DEV-4: Do something else
    • DEV-5: Publish the post

As current sprint SP1 expires, DEV-1 will be moved to the next one (SP2), together with each subtask, — even the ones which were already completed.

This will:

  • Distort the backlog for SP2 sprint,
  • corrupt the team velocity, if that metric is being tracked.

Should a supertask have an associated pull request?

No, supertask is only a container for subtasks Yes, supertask can have a PR itself
Can user provide an estimate? Yes, the user might estimate the work assigned to supertask itself
What estimate to show to the user? ∑ of estimates of all subtasks ∑ of estimates of all subtasks + estimate of the work assigned to the supertask itself
Definition of Done Each of the subtasks complete Each of the subtasks is complete, and then the supertask itself is complete
Can the supertask be automatically closed when each of the subtasks is closed? IMHO it should not be (see below) No, because it has some more work attached to it
Who is supertask assignee? The one who responsible for the whole feature end to end, and makes sure all pieces integrate The one who does the supertask itself and should also be responsible for the feature integration

If we're treating supertasks as containers then, theoretically, we can automatically close a supertask as soon as each of its subtasks is closed. In reality, however, I wouldn't be so bold:

  • New circumstances reveal themselves, more work needs to be done
  • Each developer has done their respective subtask, but results of their work suddenly do not integrate very well
  • The feature as a whole has to be showcased to stakeholders and can be considered Done only when they approve

I personally would vote for supertasks-as-containers approach but, due to estimation difficulties and the tendency of Definition of Done to slip between the fingers, I do not feel this model well fits the reality.

Any alternatives?

Task Dependencies

Instead of parent-to-child relations, we can keep all tasks on one level — and link them to each other with blocks relationships.

  • No need for container tasks
  • The end goal — the purple task — should contain any validation or verification work and has its own assignee who is not necessarily responsible for all of its dependencies
%3 file_///home/runner/work/ I had already started a task, and it is too large I will do the task Someone else will take part of the work file_///home/runner/work/ I am a developer file_///home/runner/work/>file_///home/runner/work/ file_///home/runner/work/ Note about Jira sprints local_write-paper-about-task-relations Write a post about task relations file_///home/runner/work/>local_write-paper-about-task-relations:w file_///home/runner/work/ Rewrite the example as dependencies roadmap file_///home/runner/work/>local_write-paper-about-task-relations:w file_///home/runner/work/ Come up with an example of a supertask with subtasks file_///home/runner/work/>file_///home/runner/work/ file_///home/runner/work/ Catalog use cases against tasks file_///home/runner/work/>local_write-paper-about-task-relations:w file_///home/runner/work/>file_///home/runner/work/ file_///home/runner/work/ I am a manager file_///home/runner/work/>file_///home/runner/work/ file_///home/runner/work/ I have to turn a large piece work into multiple smaller tasks file_///home/runner/work/>file_///home/runner/work/ file_///home/runner/work/ Which project management systems support dependencies? file_///home/runner/work/>local_write-paper-about-task-relations:w file_///home/runner/work/ Reference PDD file_///home/runner/work/>local_write-paper-about-task-relations:w file_///home/runner/work/ Reference PERT file_///home/runner/work/>local_write-paper-about-task-relations:w file_///home/runner/work/ Reference CPM file_///home/runner/work/>local_write-paper-about-task-relations:w file_///home/runner/work/ Write down more differences between subtasking and dependencies file_///home/runner/work/>local_write-paper-about-task-relations:w file_///home/runner/work/ Write about network planning, PERT, CPM, and Gantt charts file_///home/runner/work/>local_write-paper-about-task-relations:w file_///home/runner/work/ Strike-through does not work file_///home/runner/work/>local_write-paper-about-task-relations:w

How does this approach compare against subtasks?

Subtasks Dependencies
Dependencies between tasks Are implicit, they are discussed on planning and maybe mentioned in task descriptions Are explicit
Feature is too large Refactor: supertask → a project, undone subtasks → normal tasks in that project, & close the supertask Nothing to refactor ☺
Which task to start? Tasks in current sprint ∩ Tasks you are qualified to do The left ones ∩ those which are not blocked by other tasks

Dependencies support in project management software

Define dependencies Prevent a blocked task from being started
Jira ✔️
Linear ✔️